Ryan D. Enos media coverage 2008-2020
538 on democracy in the 2022 election (29 December 2022).
New Deal Podcast (27 October 2022).
Harvard Data Science Review Podcast (26 October 2022).
Time on partisan divisions (19 May 2022).
New York Times on the Dobbs decision (11 May 2022).
New York Times on immigration and nationalism (27 April 2022).
New York Times on laws dividing red and blue states (3 April 2022).
AP on immigrant asylum (Seattle Times, LA Times) (2 April 2022).
The Atlantic on partisan bubbles (20 January 2022).
The New York Times used my data on partisan segregation for this article on gerrymandering (11 January 2022).
The New York Times on Trump’s grip on the Republican Party (8 December 2021).
The New York Times used my data on my partisan segregation in these articles on selecting where to live (23 November 2021): 1, 2, 3.
The New York Times quoted me on immigration politics (3 November 2021).
Yahoo Finance on obesity and politics (16 October 2021).
Politico on my research on the mismatch between campaign volunteers and voters (9 October 2021).
The Atlantic on Americans working from home (22 September 2021).
The Guardian on anti-Biden backlash (19 July 2021).
New York Times quoted on the culture war (14 July 2021).
Raw Story covered comments on Pennsylvania laws on Critical Race Theory (25 June 2021).
The Los Angeles Times wrote about my research on interracial contact using linked administrative data (11 June 2021).
Harvard Gazette (11 June 2021)
EurkeAlert (11 June 2021)
California News Times (11 Junes 2021)
Daily Mail (12 June 2021)
Michael Smerconish Show (14 June 2021)
CNN (19 June 2021)
Newsweek quoted me about Liz Cheney and Donald Trump (5 May 2021).
My editorial in the New York Times about “political bubbles” (3 May 2021).
Talked to the Harvard Crimson about the disappearance of conservative faculty at Harvard (9 April 2021).
Quoted about the “Fear that is Shaping American Politics” in the New York Times (7 April 2021).
“Purple Principle” podcast on political geography (6 April 2021).
Partisan Segregation was covered by the New York Times (17 March 2021).
Academic Times (16 March 2021).
Phys.org (17 March 2021).
DMagazine (17 March 2021)
Model Citizen (18 March 2021)
NJ.com (21 March 2021)
Harvard Crimson (24 March 2021)
BYU Radio (31 March 2021)
The Harvard Gazette on partisan segregation (16 March 2021).
Fast Company covered my research on partisan segregation (14 March 2021).
I spoke to the Raw Story podcast, “We’ve Got Issues” about partisan segregation (12 March 2021).
The New York Times quoted me about the issues with the Democratic coalition (10 March 2021).
My letter to the Chronicle of Higher Education on why academic freedom is compatible with denying honors to insurrectionists (26 February 2021).
I moderated a discussion on the events of January 6 and the future of American Democracy. YouTube coverage. Harvard Gazzette coverage (27 January 2021).
I talked to the New York Times on why the January 6 attacks may have turned elite support against Trump (20 January 2021).
My call for Harvard to exclude those calling for overturning elections was covered in the Boston Globe (11 January 2021). The Harvard Crimson reported on my letter to Larry Bacow on the January 6 insurrection. This was also covered in Forbes. And I discussed this with WGBH. (12 January 2021) This was also covered in Voice of America, China. And the Chronicle of Higher Education (13 January 2021).
My comments on the January 6 insurrection in the Harvard Crimson (7 January 2021).
I talked to Politico about Trump’s appeal to Latinos (21 November 2020).
I was on a panel on lessons from the election (18 November 2020).
The Daily Briefing in the New York Times covered me on Trump’s refusal to concede (12 November 2020).
I talked to the Harvard Gazette on possible sources of polling errors in the election and on lesson from the election (5 November 2020).
The CS Monitor quoted me in the aftermath of the election (4 November 2020).
The New York Times quoted me on the stakes of the election (3 November 2020).
I talked to the Miami Herald about Trump’s targeting of Latino voters in Miami (30 October 2020).
The Japanese Daily Asahi Shimbun talked to me about the Presidential Debate (23 October 2020).
The CS Monitor talked to me about the election and pandemic (5 October 2020).
The New York Times quoted me on Biden’s chances in the suburbs (23 September 2020).
Reading about my research on the Los Angeles Riots on substack (31 August 2020).
New America covered my research on immigration in the context of Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson’s book (5 August 2020).
The Growth Policy program interviewed me about current events and my research (13 July 2020).
Crooked.com quoted me about the threat of authoritarianism in the United States (30 June 2020).
538.com covered my research on the political impact of violent protest (8 June 2020).
The New York Times discussed my research on the political impact of violent protest (3 June 2020).
I discussed pandemics and authoritarianism with the New York Times (6 May 2020).
The New York Times on Trump’s “divide and conquer” strategy (29 April 2020).
The New York Times quoted me on partisan gaps in responses to COVID-19 (21 March 2020).
I discussed the meaning of racism with the New York Times (18 March 2020).
Newsweek discussed my opinion on Mike Bloomberg’s debate performance (20 February 2020).
The New York Times quoted me on “Why Trump Persists” (22 January 2020).
I discussed the impact of immigration on voting in the New York Times (11 December 2019).
I was quoted in the New York Times about liberalism and moral order (27 November 2019).
Newsweek wrote an entire article about my tweet on Trump’s damage to the GOP (6 November 2019).
Harvard Magazine profiled me (November 2019).
I talked to the Los Angeles Times about whether people change where they lived based on politics (4 November 2019).
The New York Times quoted me about overreach about potential overreach by Democratic party in the 2020 election (9 October 2019).
The New York Times quoted me about Trump’s coalition (28 August 2019).
Along with Meredith Dost and Jennifer Hochschild, I wrote about accusations of racism and Trump in the Monkey Cage Blog in the Washington Post (12 August 2019).
I was quoted in the New York Times about Trump’s racism (21 July 2019).
I talked about my book and more on the Political Philosophy Podcast (14 July 2019).
Vox again quoted my Twitter account about the consequences of recent Supreme Court decisions on partisan gerrymandering (27 June 2019). This was picked up by NPR’s WGBH, Orlando Weekly, Lansing City Pulse, and Smokey Mountain News.
Vox quoted my Twitter account about measuring the role of sexism in elections (17 June 2019).
The Huffington Post talked to me about racial attitudes among white millennials (2 June 2019).
IQSS profiled my work on partisan segregation and DLABSS (24 May 2019).
538.com wrote about my work in partisan segregation (20 May 2019).
I talked to the New York Times about polarization (27 February 2019).
The Harvard Gazette on the Government Department Climate survey (11 February 2019). My oped in the Harvard Crimson (6 February 2019).
My book was reviewed in Danish (January 10, 2019).
The New York Times discussed my research on the meaning of racial resentment (December 20, 2018).
The ABA Journal covered my work on emotional content in Supreme Court arguments (December 17, 2018).
Aaron Kaufman, Melissa Sands, and I wrote about violent protest for the Monkey Cage Blog in the Washington Post (December 11, 2018).
Vox asked me about “hidden tribes” (October 22, 2018).
I discussed why Harvard students don’t vote with the Crimson (October 11, 2018).
The Raleigh News and Observer discussed The Space Between Us (October 2, 2018).
Big Think covered my “trains” study (September 13, 2018)
The Washington Post quoted me on the limits of “contact” (September 7, 2018).
Ezra Klein interviewed me about immigration for this Vox video (August 23, 2018).
The New York Times quoted me on the "identity crisis" in the Democratic Party (August 2, 2018)
The Washington Post quoted me when discussing demographic change in the United States (July 31, 2018).
Ezra Klein covered my research in writing about "white threat in a browning America" (July 30, 2018).
Washington Monthly wrote about my book here and here (June 14 and July 10, 2018).
Slate covered my research while discussing the "case for incivility" (June 26, 2018).
My research was covered on The Takeaway on NPR (June 22, 2018).
Thomas Edsall at the New York Times wrote a column about my book and the 2016 election (June 14, 2018).
The Double X Gabfest podcast discussed my book while covering the "Oakland barbecue saga" (May 24, 2018).
The New York Times quoted me about the urban/rural divide in the United States (May 22, 2018).
My book was discussed in the context of housing segregation in London in OnLondon (February 10, 2018).
The Harvard Gazette interviewed me about The Space Between Us (January 9, 2018).
The Economist covered my research with Bryce Dietrich and Maya Sen on using emotion to predict voting on the Supreme Court (December 21, 2017).
Richard Florida interviewed me about my book for CityLab (December 12, 2017) and I was quoted again in discussing the divide between Blue Cities and Red States (December 21, 2017).
Thomas Edsall quoted me about threats to democracy in the New York Times(November 30, 2017).
I wrote in Vox about my research on social geography (November 28, 2017)
Anthony Fowler wrote about our research on the Supreme Court's statistical fallacies in the Monkey Cage (October 31, 2017).
Thomas Edsall at the New York Times quoted my Twitter comments about Democratic tribalism (October 26, 2017)
I talked about The Space Between Us on the New Book Podcast (October 19, 2017).
My research on the courts was discussed by 538 in the context of the Supreme Court being "Allergic to Math" (October 17, 2017).
Thomas Edsall at the New York Times quoted me about the Democrats' problems with working-class voters (October 12, 2017)
I discussed immigration and Trump's victory on The New York Times Retro Reportvideo (October 9, 2017).
538 wrote about my research on emotion and the courts in the context of partisan gerrymandering (October 4, 2017).
The Huffington Post quoted me about research on the effect of voter ID laws(September 26, 2017).
Vox covered my research on racial threat in the context of the 2016 election (September 8, 2017).
The Harvard Gazette asked me about recent research on group-based hierarchies (August 22, 2017).
The Boston Globe reported on my work with Anthony Fowler and Chris Havasy on faulty statistical reasoning in the courts (August 20, 2017).
My comments on recent trends in public opinion were covered at Government Executive (August 10, 2017).
My comments on Reimagining the Civic Commons in Chicago (June 2, 2017).
National Review also reported my Twitter thread on measuring racial attitudes (May 11, 2017).
National Review discussed my research on racial attitudes in the context of the 2016 election (December 5, 2016 and April 7, 2017).
The Harvard Gazette reported on the Political Analytics Conference (March 30, 2017).
My twitter commentary on healthcare legislation was quoted on Vox and Huffington Post and CNBC (March 24, 2017).
The New York Times covered my book The Space Between Us in the context of immigration and Trump's victory (February 1, 2017). This was also picked up by Vox.
My research on riots was covered in the Washington Post (January 27, 2017).
With CNN, I discussed my research on immigration and Trump's victory (December 28, 2016).
The Washington Post covered my research on faces and elections in the context of Trump's aversion to mustaches (December 27, 2016).
The Hill discussed my research about the effect of GOTV campaigns in the context of Trump's victory (December 21, 2016).
My research on voter turnout was discussed in the American Prospect (November 23, 2016).
I discussed the future of Obamacare with the Boston Herald (November 10, 2016).
In the wake of the Trump victory, my research on responses to immigration was discussed in Vox (November 9, 2016) and Washington Post (November 11, 2016).
Eitan Hersh and I wrote about research on candidate expectations in the Monkey Cage in the Washington Post (November 7, 2016).
Harvard Gazette interviewed me about the election causing stress among voters (October 20, 2016).
My research was discussed in the context of white identity politics and the rise of Trump in The Conversation (October 20, 2016).
Research on the ground campaign was covered Vox (November 1 and October 7, 2016), National Review (October 4, 2016), and The Weekly Standard (September 19, 2016).
I was quoted about data and campaigning in Digitalist (September 22, 2016).
The Washington Post covered my research with Anthony Fowler in the context of the Trump campaign (August 25, 2016).
The Boston Herald quoted me about the Clinton email scandal (July 6, 2016).
The Pacific Standard covered my research with Anthony Fowler to describe problems with the Trump campaign (June 24, 2016).
Vox quoted me about the implications of Bernie Sanders nominations to the Democratic Platform Committee (May 24, 2016). This was covered again by Vox on July 1, 2016 and CDA News (July 3, 2016).
The Washington Post and OC Register reported my comments on gender and the 2016 Presidential election (April 27, 2016).
Slate covered my research on racial threat (April 17, 2016).
Noam Gidron wrote about our research and the public policy implications in Israel for Haaretz (April 11, 2016).
Political Analytics 2016 was covered by the Harvard Gazette (April 6, 2016).
The Dallas Observer discussed my research in the context of Texas' shrinking white population (March 16, 2016).
The New York Times quoted from my Twitter feed after the South Carolina Presidential Primary. (February 20, 2016).
I discussed Donald Trump with the International Business Times (February 19, 2016).
Vox.com covered my research in discussing Democratic election losses (December 8, 2015).
The Washington Post quoted me in discussing the Iran nuclear negotiations (September 2, 2015).
538.com reported on my work with Eitan Hersh about the use of data in political campaigns (August 10, 2015).
The Washington Post quoted me about good looks not affecting elections (June 14, 2015).
The Washington Post covered my research about campaign mobilization with Eitan Hersh (May 21, 2015). This was also covered in the Pacific Standard (May 11. 2015).
The Washington Post on my work with Anthony Fowler "Modern campaigning has big effects on voter turnout" (May 18, 2015).
The Crimson wrote extensively about my work day as Harvard faculty (March 12, 2015).
My undergraduate Political Psychology course received some credit for helping shape leadership for the Harvard basketball team (February 17, 2015). This was also reported in the Bleacher Report (February 22, 2015). And the Wall Street Journal covered it in discussing the Harvard Yale Game (March 12, 2015).
Some of my findings on voter registration and the legacy of the Voting Rights Act were discussed in the UpShot at the New York Times (February 13, 2015).
Vox.com discussed my research on contact and race relations in the United States (February 10, 2015).
My research with Eitan Hersh was featured in the UpShot at the New York Times (November 7, 2014). Andrew Sullivanand AmericaBlog covered this research as well (November 11, 2014).
The Harvard Gazette wrote about the launch of the Harvard Digital Lab for the Social Sciences (November 10, 2014).
I gave some thoughts to Discovery News about the urban/rural political divide in the United States (November 7, 2014).
The Chicago Policy Review wrote about my "trains experiment" (November 7, 2014).
I was on WGBH Greater Boston talking about the causes of voter turnout (November 4, 2014).
Fivethirtyeight.com quoted me about the role of racial threat in Texas politics (November 4, 2014).
I was interviewed by the Concord Monitor about the effects of attractiveness on voting (October 14, 2014). The Telegraph also referenced my research on the topic (January 20, 2014).
Harvard Magazine covered my research in an article "Unraveling 'Racial Threat'" (August 15, 2014).
The Wall Street Journal covered my "trains experiment" (August 7, 2014). This was picked up by the Washington Post's "Wonkblog" (August 8, 2014).
I was quoted In NYMag about surveys to detect bigotry (May 14, 2014). This was also covered by Andrew Sullivan (May 14, 2014). I followed up on this subject on the evidence for a rise in anti-semitism on the BBC World Service (August 15, 2014), which was covered in the BBC Magazine (August 20, 2014).
Anthony Fowler and I wrote about research with Lynn Vavreck at the LSE USAPP Blog (March 27, 2014).
On WBUR's Radio Boston I discussed "microaggresions" (March 26, 2014).
Anthony Fowler and I further updated our work on the effectiveness of GOTV in 2012 in the Monkey Cage Blog at theWashington Post. This was also covered by Bloomberg View, Mother Jones (February 27, 2014), and the New York Times (May 2, 2014). Mark Mellman also wrote about it in The Hill (May 13, 2014).
My experiment on diversity and exclusionary attitudes was covered the Boston Globe (front page, "above the fold"). This was also covered by Business Insider Australia and Fox News Latino (February 25, 2014). Tom Keane also wrote about this in his opinion column in the Boston Globe (March 2, 2014). Journalist's Resource also wrote a summary (March 28, 2014).
My commentary about the effects of good-looking politicians appeared in the Monkey Cage Blog at the Washington Post (November 13, 2013).
I was interviewed in The Atlantic about rewriting the United States Constitution (November 2, 2013).
Work by Eitan Hersh and I was covered by the Monkey Cage Blog at the Washington Post. (October 11, 2013).
Anthony Fowler and I wrote about the effectiveness of Obama's voter mobilization on the Monkey Cage blog (May 7, 2013). This was picked up by The Atlantic, National Journal, and The American Prospect.
Here is my interview on MSNBC's Up with Steve Kornacki about my immigration research (April 28, 2013).
My OpEd about demographic change appeared in the Washington Post. This was also picked up by the Japan Times (March 8, 2013).
My interview with AmericasDemocrats.org about the effects of intergroup conflict on the Democratic coalition.
I blogged about the 2012 campaign at Model Politics. A blog that uses original survey data from YouGov/Polimetrix.
The Examiner picked up some old research and applied it to the "Fiscal Cliff" (November 14, 2012).
TechPresident reported (November 8, 2012) on my research with Eitan Hersh. This also appeared on the Monkey Cage (November 9, 2012).
I was on the the the Marketplace 2012 Election Tour on WCPN Cleveland (October 1, 2012) and WGBH Boston (October 9, 2012). You can see video of the Cleveland show here. Here is a photo of Lynn Vavreck and I on the show by Stuart Pearl.
The Huffington Post interviewed me about voter purges in New Mexico (September 27, 2012) and about political machines and voter turnout (October 24, 2012).
Salon quoted me about Mitt Romney and the "47%" (September 18, 2012).
Columbia Journalism Review covered my work about racial attitudes and Romney's welfare ads (September 17, 2012).
The Monkey Cage posted my work on facial competence and specifically Romney's attractiveness. This was picked up by Washington Monthly, National Journal, American Prospect, BostInno, and the Daily Mail (August 31, 2012).
Andrew Sullivan and Washington Monthly both picked up my work on the partisan split in opinion about college (March 16, 2012).
I discussed the continued prevalence of racial segregation in the United States in the Boston Review (February 9, 2012). My first discussion of this topic is here (November 1, 2011).
I gave a lecture on ``Demographic change and national politics'' at the Northeastern University School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Open Classroom Policy Series, March 23, 2011. The videos of my talk are below. The first is my lecture, the second is question and answer with Barry Bluestone.
The Harvard Gazette covered my research (May 8, 2011).
The Los Angeles Times ran an editorial by Costas Panagopoulos describing the amici curiae filed by Costas, myself, Conor Dowling, and Anthony Fowler (March 28, 2011).
Below is a video of my 2011 undergraduate political psychology class flash mobbing my lecture.
The Tuscon Sentinel covered the implications of my research on knowledge of people making over $250,000 (December 28, 2010).
Andrew Sullivan has related some of my blog postings at the Daily Dish. He also related research that I did with Anthony Fowler (November 9, 2010) (and this one, which he didn't like as much (December 13, 2010)).
Emily Badger wrote more about the voting participation research at Miller-McCune (December 14, 2010).
In the winter 2010 issue of UCLA Graduate Quarterly, I was covered for winning the UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award.
My research was covered in the Winter 2009 issue, along with six of my UCLA Political Science graduate student colleagues.
In the weeks leading up to the 2008 Presidential Election, I contributed to The Sprint , the UCLA blog on the 2008 race.
The blog got a short mention by the LA Times (September 15, 2008).
You can hear my interview on UCLA Radio, from election night 2008.
And you can see me on video talking about the "Bradley Effect" prior to the 2008 Presidential Election.