Social Scientist, Harvard University


Partisan Segregation

Partisan Segregation Project

Jacob Brown and Ryan Enos


Metropolitan Areas

Metropolitan Area Maps


Using voterfiles, we take the exact residential location of very voter in the United States and calculate their Spatially Weighted Exposure to their 1,000 nearest neighbors. This allows measures of segregation between partisans at any level of geography.

Read more about the results in “The measurement of partisan sorting for 180 million voters“ (Brown and Enos 2021).

Tables of Partisan Segregation:
Most Segregated Metro Areas
Most Segregated Metro Areas (over 1,000,000 voters)
Most Segregated Metro Areas (non-South)
Most Segregated Metro Areas (over 1,000,000 voters, non-South)

These tables each represent the 20 most segregated Core-based Statistical Areas, with segregation defined by Relative Democratic Isolation. Each table includes (for variable definitions, see Brown and Enos (2021) :
Metro Area Name, number of registered voters, percent Democrat, Percent Republican, Democratic Isolation, Republican Isolation, Relative Democratic Isolation, Relative Republican Isolation


Congressional DistrictS

Congressional District Maps