Social Scientist, Harvard University



This page includes miscellaneous items related to my research. Please see my "Papers" page for more on these topics.

Partisan segregation

Jacob Brown and I have used individual voter files to map the segregation between Democrats and Republicans in the United States.  

The project page is here.

The Causal Effect of Intergroup Contact on Exclusionary Attitudes

Materials related to the experiment I conducted in 2012 on attitudes toward immigration by exploiting routenized behavior on commuter rail in the Boston area.

The project page is here.

Ground Campaign Project


Granted unprecedented access to Democratic campaign workers, Eitan Hersh and I unveil initial findings of the Ground Campaign Project (GCP), a research endeavor done in conjunction with Obama for America, NGP-VAN, and twenty-five state Democratic parties. The result of the partnership is a longitudinal study in which we interviewed nearly 4,000 campaign staffers, interns, and volunteers during the final six months of the 2012 campaign.  Enos and Hersh (2017) and Enos and Hersh (2016) use this data.

The project page is here.

Facial Competence and Vote Choice

The link below is to a figure with the distributions of "facial competence" among candidates for the the United States House of Representative in 2004 and Senate from 1992-2006, as measured by Matthew Atkinson, Seth Hill, and Ryan Enos using the method described in "Candidate Faces and Election Outcomes: Is the Face-Vote Correlation Caused by Candidate Selection?" (Quarterly Journal of Political Science 4 (3), pp 229-249). Note that the shaded regions of the distributions represent challengers. Competence Distribution

For an example of the instrument we used to generate these scores. You can visit Seth's page. This is a mockup of the survey, with which we presented participants with randomly drawn pairings of candidates. 

Field Experiment on Pivotal Voting

With Anthony Fowler, I launched a field experiment around the special election for the 6th Worcester District for the Massachusetts House of Representative on May 10, 2011.  This election ended in an exact time, allowing a unique opportunity to study the influence of pivotality in decisions to vote.  The article is here (2014, Political Science Research and Methods)..

We describe the research design and details here.

Field Experiment on Racial Threat

I conducted a field experiments during the June 3, 2008 Statewide California Primary and the November 4, 2008 General Election. To see an example of the treatment used, click here.  This is reported in my book manuscript The Space Between Us: Social Geography and Politics.

Natural Experiment on Spatial Impact and Racial Threat Using Chicago Housing Projects

I have tested theories of Spatial Impact and Racial Threat using the destruction of housing projects in Chicago as a natural experiment. The article is here (2015 American Journal of Political Science). A map of public housing projects in Chicago and Congressional Districts is here and Aldermanic Wards is here.